Discord is a mainstream social media platform, making it a suite full of features. If you are using Discord, you already know that you can create your server and create your very own community of like-minded people. One thing that you can instantly do to give your server fun and a chill vibe is to add a music bot. A good song or music can keep the community engaged and make the talks more fun. If you are new and do not know How to Add Music Bot to Discord, well this guide can help you solve your problem easily.

How to add music bot to discord

How to Add Music Bot to Discord Server through PC & Mobile

Considering that you have selected your desired bot, we can now get started with the steps on how to add music bot to Discord and begin playing music. For this How to Add Music Bot to Discord guide and to demonstrate to you, we will be taking two of the famous music bots as an example.

The two music bots are Rhythm and Fred; the How to Add Music Bot to Discord guide covers the installation of the bot both through the desktop and your smartphone. Remember that the process is similar no matter which music bot you choose.

How to Add Music Bot to Discord Server (PC)

In this section, you will learn the How to Add Music Bot to Discord steps for installing the Octave bot on your PC. All you need to do is simply follow the steps, and by the end of the last How to Add Music Bot to Discord steps, you will have a successfully working music bot on your Discord. Now let’s proceed.

How to add music bot to discord

  • STEP 1. Open the web browser and make sure that you are logged into your Discord account
  • STEP 2. Once you are logged in, open a new tab and visit this link


  • STEP 3. Once the website opens up; on the main page, you will see a blue button that says invite the bot; click on it
  • STEP 4. After you click on the button, you will see the option of adding the bot
  • STEP 5. Under the Add bot to Server, you will see the drop-down menu; here, you need to choose the discord server on which you want the Octave bot to be added


  • STEP 6. Select the server and click on Continue, and the bot will be added to your server
**NOTE: For the best possible experience, make sure that you assign
the Administrator permission to the Octave bot on your server.

It will make it very easy for the bot to play music and do other tasks.


  • STEP 6. Now head to the channel you have added the bot, and there you can see that the bot has been added
  • STEP 7. Now you can use the command to operate the bot and play music

Useful Commands Of Octave Bot

_playJoins and plays music on a channel
_summon [channel]Connects or moves the bot to a voice channel.
_radio [custom|discordfm|stop]Stream random songs from some radio stations.
_leaveDisconnects the bot from the voice channel.
_jump <where>Set the time marker of the music playback.
_playnext <query>Adds a song at the start of the queue.
_dmnpDM you the now playing message with the song URL.
_pausePause the music player.
_volume [amount]Set the volume of the music player.
_clearqueueClear the current queue.
_stopStop and clear the music player.
_cleanup [member]Clear songs based on a specific user, duplicate, or if a user left.
_voteskipVote to skip the current music track.
_youtube <query>Search and see YouTube results.
_skipSkips the current track.
_resumequeueResume the music queue.
_soundcloud <query>Search and see SoundCloud results.
_remove [which]Remove a song from the queue.
_repeat queueSet if the music player should repeat.
_lyricsShows the lyrics of the current song.
_resumeResume the music player.
_move <trackIndex> <toIndex>Moves tracks within the queue.
_nowplayingShows whatā€™s currently playing.
_bassboost <strength>Applies bass boost to the music.
_previousPlays the Previous song.
_filter [clear | karaoke | lowpass | status | timescale | tremolo | vibrato]Apply audio filters to the music, such as speed and pitch
_shuffleShuffles the queue order around.
_queueShows the current queue.

How to add music bot to discord Server (Smartphone)

If you currently do not have PC access, do not worry. You can also add the music bot through your smartphone very easily. Follow all the How to Add Music Bot to Discord steps to successfully add the bot to your server.

  • STEP 1. Make sure that first, you install Discord through Playstore/Appstore, depending on your device, and log into your account


  • STEP 2. Once you are logged in, let it run in the background and open up the browser
  • STEP 3. Now head to the official website of your desired bot; here, we will be adding the fredbot
  • STEP 4. Once the website opens up, look for the invite link/button or add a link/button


  • STEP 5. Now click on the add to discord button; now you will see the below screen
  • STEP 6. Here from the drop-down menu, you need to select the server to which you want to add the bot


  • STEP 7. Once you have selected the server, click on the Authorize buttonĀ 
  • STEP 8. Now head to the Discord app and open up the channel. You will see that the bot is added, and there will be a long message regarding getting started
  • STEP 9. You can now begin using the commands and playing music

Useful Commands Of Fred Bot

; play URLPlay music from the given URL. See supported sources below.
;;play wordsSearch for a track on YouTube and SoundCloud.
;;queueDisplay the queue of the current tracks in the playlist.
;;nowplayingDisplay the currently playing track.
;;skipRemove the currently playing track from the queue. ;; help skip to learn how to skip more than one track
;;voteskipVote to skip the current track. Must have at least 50% of the votes.
;;stopStop the player and clear the playlist. Reserved for moderators.
;;pausePause the player.
;;resumeResume the player.
;;joinMake FredBoat join your current voice channel.
;;leaveMake FredBoat leave the current voice channel.
;;repeatChange the repeat mode. Run this command for more info.
;;shuffleToggle shuffle mode.
;;reshuffleReshuffle the queue.
;;fwd timeForward the track by the given amount of time.
;;rew timeRewind the track by the given amount of time.
;;seek timeSet the position of the track to the given time.
;;restartRestart the currently playing track.
;;historyShow the history of recently played tracks.
;;exportExport the current queue to hastebin.
;;volumeSet the volume
;;help commandShow advanced usage of a command


In this guide, you have seen the steps on How to add music bot to Discord. You get to learn two things from this guide. Firstly the How to Add Music Bot to Discord steps for adding bots; here, as an example, we have demonstrated Fred and Octave Bot. Secondly, you also learn to add bots on PC and Mobile.

Hopefully, this How to Add Music Bot to Discord guide has provided you with the information you were looking for. Thank you!


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